​WoW: You should avoid these mistakes in Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Sep-19-2022 PST Category: WOW WoTLK Classic

WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic is an extensive and time-consuming expansion. On the one hand, that's positive, because there's a lot to do in Nordend. On the other hand, wrong decisions can quickly lead to frustration. In this special, we'll tell you which mistakes you should definitely avoid in WotLK Classic.

When WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Classic is released on September 27, 2022, a whole continent full of challenges and tasks awaits you again. Characters want to be leveled and equipped, professions mastered and numerous factions painted on. In addition, there is the countless endgame content that is garnished by the "new" success system. Say: You have a lot to do in Northrend!

So that you really only invest your private time in the content of WotLK Classic that is relevant to your goals, and not in dead ends or wrong turns, we'll tell you in this special which mistakes could cost you an unnecessarily large amount of time or gold (Mistakes that you should definitely avoid).

Start thinking now about the purchases you want to make in Northrend and use the remaining time until the launch of WotLK Classic to farm enough gold according to your wishes. Thanks to the pre-patch phase, you can already buy the dual talent specialization for your characters. Cost: 1,000 gold per Azeroth hero.

In order to be able to fly in Northrend, you must budget an additional 1,000 gold pieces per character for the Cold Weather Flight license. There may also be additional cost factors like the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth (20,000 gold) or the Dalaran Rings (8,500 gold for the base version). Or do you want to max out your professions as quickly as possible or stock up on consumables, enchantments, jewels and more from the auction house? If you only start gold farming in Northrend, you lose a lot of time.

The cards have been reshuffled with the WotLK Classic pre-patch. The power structure among the classes has shifted noticeably compared to TBC Classic. With Patch 3.3.5 you can expect a WoW version in which, for example, many hybrid ways of playing such as reinforcement, wildness, shadow or retaliation, which were in the Outland raids mainly because of their buffs, in certain situations or even in general can achieve really good damage values.

The dual talent specialization and the increased flexibility in terms of providing buffs and debuffs for the raid also help that you now have significantly more powerful options for the Northrend adventure. However, you should think carefully about what type of content you want to play with which class/specialization.

The pre-patch phase already indicates that there will probably be no shortage of death knights. So it might be worth flirting with another class. However, many players who had to give the Rage/Heroism Shaman in TBC Classic will switch to a class that they might enjoy more for WotLK Classic. However, every raid will still want to pack at least one shaman. A chance? The "Spellhancer" style of play made an enormously positive impression on many testers in the beta.

In general, hybrid classes have a huge advantage with Northrend's dual talent specialization. If you are willing to switch from damage dealer to healer or tank if necessary (and also have equipment for these roles), you should have no problems connecting to groups and raids.

Similar to WoW (buy now) Classic and TBC Classic, the crafting arts are also extremely useful in WotLK Classic. You will once again have access to special advantages through the crafts that other players who have not leveled the respective profession have to do without. Or to put it another way: Player X, who has chosen the wrong profession for his class, will always perform worse than Player Y with the optimal profession.

When choosing a profession, it is not only a factor which class you have, but also which specialization you play and whether you want to spend more time in PvP or PvE. Important: Blizzard has already announced that you are not allowed to use Ingi gadgets like the nitro booster in the arena!

If you're used to Burning Crusade Classic's dungeons and raids, then WotLK Classic Phase 1 might disappoint you due to its low difficulty. The heroic dungeons can be easily completed in 15, 20 minutes, and you shouldn't have any problems with the first kills in Naxxramas, in the Obsidian Sanctum and in the Eye of Eternity. Only one or the other success as well as the hard mode version of the fight against Sartharion with all dragons pose a challenge.

But don't worry: With the following phases, increasingly difficult challenges await you. In phase 2, the (sometimes very crisp) hardmodes and achievements from Ulduar are added. From phase 3, all raid instances also have a heroic mode for the 10-player and 25-player versions. If you want to play this content with your raid, you should use the first phase extensively to equip your squad as best as possible.

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