Game News
WoW WotLK Classic: How To Get The Mimiron's Head Mount
Oct-20-2022 PST / WOW WoTLK ClassicMimiron's Head is up there with the likes of Powerful as one the most sought-after mounts in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic. As well as looking absolutely astonishing, this is one of only a handful of exceptional mounts in the game that increase flight speed by 310%, as opposed ... -
Wrath of The Lich King Classic - How To Get To Dalaran
Oct-08-2022 PST / WOW WoTLK ClassicThe new Wrath of the Lich King development in World of Warcraft: Classic incorporates an entire landmass to investigate. With each new development comes a very interesting metropolitan safe-haven where you and your kindred legends and companions can meet, track down new mentors, and do your everyd... -
WoW WotLK Classic Profession Guides
Oct-01-2022 PST / WOW WoTLK ClassicFind out about each profession in World of Warcraft Rage of the Lich King Classic. Presentation Professions in World of Warcraft have been a basic framework in upgrading a player's ongoing interaction execution since the first arrival of the game in 2006. With each new development, every...