Diablo 4: Necromancer Minion Build Guide

Jul-12-2024 PST Category: Diablo4
Diablo 4 is an action RPG where players aim to defeat the formidable Lilith. Among the various classes available, the Necromancer stands out, allowing players to command an army of the dead and wield dark magic to obliterate enemies. Building a Necromancer centered around minions can be both a fun and highly effective strategy. This guide will detail how to create a powerful Necromancer minion build, from early game to endgame, focusing on the best skills and tactics.


Skill Tree for the Necromancer Minion Build


The Necromancer's skill tree offers a plethora of options, but specific skills are essential for maximizing the potential of your undead army.


Basic Skills


For the Basic skills, you have two primary options: Reap and Bone Splinters. Enhanced Reap is often the preferred choice for a minion-focused build. However, it's advisable to invest only one skill point in either Reap or Bone Splinters and another to enhance it. This strategy allows you to save skill points for more powerful abilities later on, particularly since minions are quite formidable in the early stages of the game.


Core Skills


Once Core skills are unlocked, you should choose between Sever and Blight. Sever is excellent for physical attackers, with the Paranormal Sever skill making enemies Vulnerable on the third cast. Blight, on the other hand, is a strong ranged magic option. The Supernatural Blight addition causes your minions to deal significant bonus damage to Blighted targets. Again, allocate just one skill point to either Sever or Blight to conserve points.


Corpse and Macabre Skills


When it comes to Corpse and Macabre skills, prioritize buffs over new abilities. Skeletal Warrior Mastery is crucial, as it significantly enhances your warrior minions. Invest heavily in Grim Harvest and Fueled By Death to bolster future synergies. While it's essential to fully upgrade the Warrior Mastery, feel free to allocate skill points to harvesting skills as you see fit.


Curse Skills


Unlocking Curse skills introduces a pivotal ability: Decrepify. This skill slows enemies and reduces their damage output for 10 seconds, with a minimal essence cost of 10. Maximize Decrepify and acquire the Abhorrent Decrepify skill to increase the chance of reduced cooldowns for all abilities when cursed enemies are hit. Simultaneously, maximize Skeletal Mage Mastery to strengthen your mage minions.


Advanced Corpse and Macabre Skills


In the second tier of Corpse and Macabre skills, Corpse Tendrils is a must-have for crowd control. Invest one skill point in Corpse Tendrils and upgrade to Plague Corpse Tendrils for additional Vulnerable effects on enemies. Max out the Necrotic Carapace skill to enhance your overall tankiness.


Ultimate Skills and Key Passives


Finally, focus on Ultimate skills and Key Passives. Army of the Dead, upgraded to Supreme, is essential. Maximize Golem Mastery, Inspiring Leader, and Hellbent Commander to further empower your minions. Kalan's Edict passive will increase your minions' attack speed. Complete your skill tree by allocating the remaining points to your preferred skills.




A Necromancer minion build in Diablo 4 offers a unique and engaging way to tackle the game's challenges. By carefully selecting skills, managing your resources, and utilizing Diablo 4 Gold and Diablo 4 Items effectively, you can create a formidable army of the undead. This build allows you to control the battlefield, turning even the toughest bosses into mincemeat with your powerful minions. Dive into Diablo 4, optimize your Necromancer, and let your dark army lead you to victory.